Yearend reflection

I can confirm that 2023 gave me a lot of new insights. I have learned a lot and refunded an old passion of mine – sustainability. Entering 2023 was all about development and growth, especially at work, where I could more or less set my own agenda for development and learning. Working in an environmentContinue reading “Yearend reflection”

Skin issue and hormons

Well, I have always had dry skin and sensitive skin. As a child had numerous problems, a lot of eczema due to unknown gluten intolerance. Going on a new skin routine has never been a fun exploring walk in the park as my skin always reacts with bumps and red patches. It’s temporary and IContinue reading “Skin issue and hormons”

Reflection 2021- focus health 2022

Well! Where do I start? another strange year has becoming the new normal. First word that comes to mind is unpredictability. No one really knows anything anymore and experts relive each other, and frankly I am not sure that they (experts)know what they are talking about anymore either. Time to set plans for 2022, oneContinue reading “Reflection 2021- focus health 2022”

Excuses be gone – longevity

It makes me frustrated when we keep on giving away our own life for bad food choices. We are well educated and we know what we need to work optimally. Health is no science, is caring for yourself in the best way possible, and food is your medicine. Coming from a childhood filled with constantContinue reading “Excuses be gone – longevity”

The female brain – peri menopause/menopause

As our estrogen level drops a lot of things happens to not only to our body, but also to our brain. You probably noticed it, your focus and interest start to change. As more time is becoming available (the family is not as dependent on you anymore). We rediscover, start questioning our time and purpose.Continue reading “The female brain – peri menopause/menopause”

Menopause body changes

We women go through so many bodily changes in life. From going through puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding and through peri menopause all the way to menopause. Our bodies goes through a lot over the years. And as much as we changes through puberty, the same changes happens as we enter menopause. You will notice changes inContinue reading “Menopause body changes”

Top priorities when it comes to your health

You – you need to invest in you that is the most important thing for your health. So many woman have a hard time putting their needs first and foremost, but you need to. Food – I can not stress this enough, give yourself proper nutrition, that is your medicine. You have the choice toContinue reading “Top priorities when it comes to your health”

Belly fat and hormones

Have you noticed that your body fat have shifted? You might have had a body that held fat around your thighs and hips, and as you are getting older, you have developing a belly pouch. When the female hormones oestrogen starts to decline, you become more insuline resistent and sensitive to carbs. You might haveContinue reading “Belly fat and hormones”

Your best You

It makes me sad to see how far we have come and yet how lost many people are. Health is no rocket science, it is your own creation. The majority of people who don’t suffer from genetic malfunctions or have been exposed to radiation are usually healthy from the start – right? People tend toContinue reading “Your best You”

Health takes a lot of effort

Ok, let’s solve this once and for all. It bugs me when people think that having a fit and #healthy body after 40 has everything to do with good genes and cosmetic surgery. No good people, it has to do with a commitment. Commitment to yourself. Yes, your genes might bless you with long legsContinue reading “Health takes a lot of effort”