Belly fat and hormones

Have you noticed that your body fat have shifted? You might have had a body that held fat around your thighs and hips, and as you are getting older, you have developing a belly pouch.

When the female hormones oestrogen starts to decline, you become more insuline resistent and sensitive to carbs. You might have had the exact same calories intake as before , but you start gaining weight. The reason it sticks to your belly is due to the location of your ovaries, where you use to store oestrogen.

A common mistake many women do is starting to increase their cardio and go on a strict diet. But that will actually make things worse. When you put your body through stress “not eating enough or exercise to hard”, your cortisol level increase and your body will “freeze” refusing to let go of any stored fat.

So what can you do?

  • Be kind to yourself – accept some of the changes without giving in
  • Start weight training, muscle mass helps burn fat and strengthen your bones
  • Rest and sleep – every cell in our body need a longer time to recover
  • Do HIT training (intervals) to help your metabolisms without stressing your body to much
  • Keep sugar intake low – I know it’s a bummer
  • But most of all – love yourself

Published by Anna

I am an expert in communications. I focus on strengthening companies' value stories, developing strategic communication plans, and devising marketing strategies that contribute to brand strength and boost sales and growth while gaining brand ambassadors.

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