The female brain – peri menopause/menopause

As our estrogen level drops a lot of things happens to not only to our body, but also to our brain. You probably noticed it, your focus and interest start to change. As more time is becoming available (the family is not as dependent on you anymore). We rediscover, start questioning our time and purpose.Continue reading “The female brain – peri menopause/menopause”

Peri/Menopause make it your business

Ladies, let´s talk about hormones, well not just hormon, life. Slowly it creeps up on you. It might start with irregular menstrual cycles, moods wings, hot flashes and nights sweets. You may feeling really low and sometime (or most of the time) depressed. Hard or impossible to have a full nights rest. All of aContinue reading “Peri/Menopause make it your business”

Dare to leave – and step out to the unknown

For the longest time my mind have been fixed on how I can serve? Serve outside my home that is. With 4 children it’s hard to remember those dream I once held. But one dream I had was to become a doctor in medicine. The body and all it’s blessing to this day amazes me.Continue reading “Dare to leave – and step out to the unknown”

When beauty travel inward – aging

A look in the mirror, puts me back in my seat again. It’s not that I dislike what I see, but somehow I always expect to see a younger version of myself. And yes, it reminds me of a lost time. Time that is so fragile, and at your service when you are young. ItContinue reading “When beauty travel inward – aging”

A fallen woman!

Look around and see what happens in the world with women today . On one side you will find the younger woman becoming more powerful, fearless and with a mind set on winning. This generation is what previous generation have slowly build up and passed on from generation to generation. On the other side youContinue reading “A fallen woman!”

Healed from the inside out

Taking care of the body and mind goes hand in hand, the older I get the more important it gets to really listen in, and you do it through your soul. A couple of years ago, I did not listen, well that was not really true. I was listening but I refused to pay attentionContinue reading “Healed from the inside out”

Lastning relationships In a fast new world 🌎

We live better lives than ever before, better food, better educations. We carry a better overall standard. I am not saying all but a lot of us? And still it seems that we struggle more than ever with mental health and building long lasting relationships with other people. What triggers that? Is it because weContinue reading “Lastning relationships In a fast new world 🌎

Being a feminine woman regardless

Women are so beautiful, strong, mysterious. We are mothers, carry life and are just fantastic. We should always embrace that! Meaning we should be feminine regardless what. We should be proud of what we have, and what we are and most of all show it. Many women, believe they must become more manly to receiveContinue reading “Being a feminine woman regardless”

Middle age – how should we relate to it?

We women are such powerful beings, I think we underestimate how fantastic we are. We give life, carry life and goes through hormone changes through out our life, if it would happened to a man, it would break him down and probably be consider as an illness. We of us who has given birth knowsContinue reading “Middle age – how should we relate to it?”