Excuses be gone – longevity

It makes me frustrated when we keep on giving away our own life for bad food choices. We are well educated and we know what we need to work optimally. Health is no science, is caring for yourself in the best way possible, and food is your medicine. Coming from a childhood filled with constantContinue reading “Excuses be gone – longevity”

Top priorities when it comes to your health

You – you need to invest in you that is the most important thing for your health. So many woman have a hard time putting their needs first and foremost, but you need to. Food – I can not stress this enough, give yourself proper nutrition, that is your medicine. You have the choice toContinue reading “Top priorities when it comes to your health”

Your best You

It makes me sad to see how far we have come and yet how lost many people are. Health is no rocket science, it is your own creation. The majority of people who don’t suffer from genetic malfunctions or have been exposed to radiation are usually healthy from the start – right? People tend toContinue reading “Your best You”

Selfish woman?

Congratulations! I hope you stand up for who you are and that you have a network around you supporting every step you take, regardless what direction. Being selfish is considerate somewhat negative, especially among woman. Men are better when it comes to schedule their time with activities without even giving it a second thought. YouContinue reading “Selfish woman?”

Feeling the (hormone)blues?

Ladies, I need to address this subject over and over again, as there are so many women out there who is suffering in silence. Yes, I am talking about hormones. From the age of 35 our hormones declines fast, and as we approach 40, things are really picking up. This phase called perimenopause (leading upContinue reading “Feeling the (hormone)blues?”

Ageing beautifully

Ageing is a privilege, I mean what are the options? Being able to wake up every morning is a blessing. With age comes a different kind of mindset, a slower more loving and more accepting one. Not that age should stop you, it should not, but your body needs more time for an overall recovery.Continue reading “Ageing beautifully”

Wellness – much more than diet and exercise

Wellness for me is a fulltime job. It’s not just working on your body in form of exercise or food in form of sticking to a healthy diet. It’s the full concept of YOU. What you feed your mind and body in form of good and bad energy creates your wellness. In todays society fewContinue reading “Wellness – much more than diet and exercise”

Sweets for a dark soul

I find the pandemic exhausting, not only does it isolate people, it keeps people in constant fear. Uncertain fear. I was OK to stay home for the first couple of months, but now it’s slowly going downhill. Not that I am in any way in love with my current job but being isolation it’s not good for eitherContinue reading “Sweets for a dark soul”

Dare to leave – and step out to the unknown

For the longest time my mind have been fixed on how I can serve? Serve outside my home that is. With 4 children it’s hard to remember those dream I once held. But one dream I had was to become a doctor in medicine. The body and all it’s blessing to this day amazes me.Continue reading “Dare to leave – and step out to the unknown”