Menopause body changes

We women go through so many bodily changes in life. From going through puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding and through peri menopause all the way to menopause. Our bodies goes through a lot over the years. And as much as we changes through puberty, the same changes happens as we enter menopause.

You will notice changes in your skin, mood, brain , and of course body. To keep up with the changes can be dreadful, especially as you usually have a personality change following the hormonal drop.

So how can you help yourself? First of all, accepting the changes will help you go through this a bit easier. Not saying it will be an easy ride (for most of us). Sorry to say, but becoming even more aware of your health is crucial for wellbeing the older you get. Your body have been through a lot, you now need to care for it even more.

Simple things to always think about – eating nutritional food – exercise daily , PW – sleep and rest – your own time – vitamins and minerals

Care for yourself 💕

Published by Anna

I am an expert in communications. I focus on strengthening companies' value stories, developing strategic communication plans, and devising marketing strategies that contribute to brand strength and boost sales and growth while gaining brand ambassadors.

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