Yearend reflection

I can confirm that 2023 gave me a lot of new insights. I have learned a lot and refunded an old passion of mine – sustainability. Entering 2023 was all about development and growth, especially at work, where I could more or less set my own agenda for development and learning. Working in an environment with people sharing the same passion and enthusiasm as myself was amazing. A genuine warmth I can honestly say I have never ever felt in a working environment before. The conclusion from that experience is that there is a lot of good hearted people out there, who wants to make positive changes.

Summer came and passed, and life continued as usual. Still contemplating how I can do more, I feel I have much more to give. Even if many of my counterparts (people my age) feel the urge to slow down, I want to speed up. I have always carried that feeling of giving more and doing more. Especially now that my kids are self-going.

In the fall of 2023, my dad, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 3 years ago, health rapidly turned worse, constantly battling health issues, and more or less stopped eating, I believe he lost his will to live when we decided to move him to an elderly home, my mother was not able to care for him at their home anymore. I visited him as often as I could, but sadly on October 1, he passed away after catching pneumonia. We were all with him for the last couple of hours, it was beautiful but incredibly sad.

Two weeks later, I was informed that I no longer had a job! I was devastated – I loved my job; I can honestly say that it has by far been the most fulfilling job I have ever held, never ever felt Sunday blues once during my soon 2 year mark. But going through this once more? This is my 3rd reorganisation in a relatively short time, and it feels like every time I land and have finally grew in to my role, get to know the company culture this happens. There was quite a lot of us that had to leave, but it kills me every time and it kicks your confidence down the drain, they say it’s nothing personal – but it get’s personal. I hear my colleague voice eco if they want to keep you they will find a way- so I guess my work is not valued enough. And also – I am so tired of applying for jobs, sitting in an interview with recruiters (my kids age) who are trying to educate me how i should act and think in a coming interview. Please have some respect – I have held jobs in a lot of different companies, I have a couple of really good referens, I have never been laid off due to me not doing a good job. I do believe I can carry my own conversation.

Conclusions – life throws you curve balls, and your focus on facing them will determine the outcome. What is it life is trying to say to me? That I have to do more, step out of my comfort zone? Focus more on me? Whatever it is – bring it on. I am preparing for it.

Looking forward to 2024 after closing 2023 forever!

Published by Anna

I am an expert in communications. I focus on strengthening companies' value stories, developing strategic communication plans, and devising marketing strategies that contribute to brand strength and boost sales and growth while gaining brand ambassadors.

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